Caledon Equestrian Dressage Show July 2, 2023

Sonnenhof Stables riders showing off their ribbons at the June dressage show in Caledon
JUNIOR EQUESTRIAN of the YEAR 2022: Congratulations to Anna Swackhammer May 21, 2023

Anna Swackhammer
Junior Equestrian of the Year
Anna Swackhammer of Rockwood, ON has been named one of two Junior Equestrian of the year for 2022 – both of whom will receive the Gillian Wilson Trophy. Swackhammer’s performance winning the team silver medal in the junior division and individual silver medal at the 2022 North American Youth Championships (NAYC) were instrumental in earning her this well-deserved honour. At just 18 years old, Swackhammer won all junior competitions at the national and CDI in Ontario shows consistently, qualifying for NAYC with the highest scores in Canada at 73.02%.
Founded in 1993, the Junior Equestrian of the Year Award honours Gillian Wilson who served as Technical Director of the Canadian Equestrian Federation for more than 15 years. The award is given to a junior equestrian athlete who has excelled in equestrian competition in the current award year while demonstrating exceptional talent, horsemanship, sportsmanship, and dedication to equestrian sport, as well as the vision and mission of EC.
Swackhammer has been around horses on her family farm since she could walk and genuinely loves all aspects of horse care. She fell in love with the sport of dressage when she was eight years old and has been taking lessons at Sonnenhof Stables with Ute Busse ever since.
The Canadian teenager has represented the maple leaf at the North American Youth Championships (NAYC) four times and in 2022, riding her new mount Fabienna GV (Fackeltanz x August der Starke), a Westphalian mare owned by M. Sinclair, K. Bennett and J. Szkotnicki, she anchored Team Canada to a Junior Team Silver and won the Junior Individual Silver medal. “Participating at NAYC is such a valuable riding experience, as well as an opportunity to get to know other young ambitious riders in the sport from North America.”
Swackhammer is known for her horsemanship and amazing work ethic, as well as a formidable passion for Dressage. She has mentored other young riders to prepare for the show ring by providing information, printing off lists of equipment and giving context to any situation. Swackhammer also has been there for her fellow Canadians, giving words of encouragement before and after rides and making others feel included.
Winning this award for Swackhammer is highly motivating for her. “It is a very special honour and has increased my drive to work even harder as an aspiring rider and horsewoman in the equestrian community,” she said. “I am so thankful for this recognition.”
For the future, Swackhammer plans to show with Fabienna GV and their main goal for this upcoming season is to qualify and represent Canada at NAYC at the Young Rider level. Beyond 2023, she plans to continue to work hard, advance and hopes to someday represent the maple leaf at the senior level.
c/o House of Sport |a/s de Maison du sport 2451 promenade Riverside Drive Ottawa, ON Canada K1H 7X7
NAYC 2022 August 26, 2022
The double silver medallist Anna Swackhammer with her mount Fabienna GV
at the North American youth championships.
With mom Melissa , left, and coach Ute on the right
Caledon Dressage Show – June 2022 June 7, 2022
Sonnenhof Stables’ riders are continuing their winning streaks at the Caledon “dressage in the park “show.
Sapphire Daly delivered a close to 80% ride at training level junior on her shiny liver chestnut Hanoverian gelding “Boundless “. The pair rode a precise test with smooth, yet active transitions that would put a smile even on the pickiest coach. 😃
Anna Swackhammer nailed her technical classes at the FEI junior level with up to 75% on her sparkling black Westfalen mare “Fabienna GV” . Anna maneuvered the mare through a flawless freestyle on Sunday with a personal best score of 75% plus as well .
Congratulations to you both and thank you to the tireless support and help of the women behind the scenes , Lorna and Melissa. Their horse braids were “ lined up with the centre line “and the riders boots and outfits spotless. 👍

May 2022 – Ottawa Dressage Show June 7, 2022
Excellent weekend at the Ottawa dressage show for Sonnenhof Stables riders.
Steve Mock and Arpeggio topped every 3rd level amateur class with scores up to 68% for first place.
Our first ever horse show student Sapphire Daly captured 3 wins at training level junior on all 3 days with scores up to 73% on her slick liver chestnut mount Boundless.
Anna Swackhammer and her new mount Fabianna GV , a stunning black Westfalen mare , captured 1st place in the FEI jr. classes and topped they’re winning streak with a 72% ride in her Freestyle to Abba tunes .
Despite the challenging weather conditions with rain, heat and tornado touchdowns everyone maintained in good spirits and no horses or humans were hurt.
Thank you to the Ottawa dressage festival and their generous sponsors for making this show happen and keeping everyone safe.
2021 North American Youth Championship October 23, 2021
Because of Covid and other unforeseen circumstances, Anna Swackhammer was the only Canadian representative in the dressage division at the North American Youth Championships in Michigan this year .
Despite the lack of teammates Anna pulled off a respectable 7 th place in the individual championships with Melissa Sinclairs ( her moms) Dutch Warmblood gelding “Wrazzmatazz “
The competition tests were live streamed and everyone back home was cheering Anna on .
Congratulations to a job well done
Anna Swackhammer at the RCRA qualifier show in Cedar Valley. June 15, 2021
Due to the lack of dressage shows this season, Anna rode under a lot of pressure to accumulate qualifying scores in one weekend only to represent Ontario at the North American Youth Championships .There was no room for error and despite her still being at FEI Jr. age, we opted to enter in the FEI Young Rider devision with her horse Wrazzmatazz . Anna nailed every test ,including her new freestyle ,with scores just a smidgen under 70% in every class.
A new addition for this competition was Steven Mock’s chestnut gelding “Arpeggio “ . Steve generously sponsernd Anna with the use of his horse for the Cedar Valley trial.
While new to the dressage world at the FEI Jr. Level , Arpeggio proved to be a competitive partner for Anna , delivering scores in the high 60’s.
Congratulations to all involved and thank you to Lisa Hossack
for her hard work to make this happen .
Congratulations Saffi June 15, 2021

Congratulations to Sapphire Daly on the purchase of her new horse
The beautiful Stiletto training in Florida February 14, 2020

NAYC 2019 August 8, 2019
Anna and “Wrazzmatazz” had a fantastic week of competition at Old Salem farm in North Salem NY.
The North American FEI Youth champions where held under hot and humid weather conditions .
Anna kept her cool and put in strong rides all three days. While her team could not secure a medal winning position this year, ( they earned bronze in 2018) she finished in 8 th place out of 34 competitors and in 14th place in the individual test. Based on this placing, Anna advanced into the freestyles on the last day of competition and finished in 12th place!
Palgrave Equestrian Parc: Spring 2019 June 4, 2019
Another show wrapped up.
Brought home two winners!
Congratulations to adult amateur 3 rd level winner Steven Mock and his horse” Arpeggio”.
The duo placed 2nd on Saturday with a respectable score of 64+% and took home the red ribbon on Sunday .
Anna Swackhammer and “Wrazzmatazz “ swept up the two technical classes on Friday and Saturday with a personal best of 69+% on Saturday.
Sunday’s freestyle went by almost flawlessly despite a strong “tailwind “ that can bring out the sillies in the calmest horse.
Anna now has all her qualifying scores to meet the criteria to represent Canada at this summer’s Youth Championships in New York .
2019 Horsehow opener in Barrie (Mudfest to Sunrest) May 11, 2019
Despite frigid temperatures
Steven Mock and Anna Swackhammer put in solid tests at the Kawartha 2019 Spring classic at the Essa Agriplex in Thornton, On.
After a two year pause from the show ring , Steven put in a respectable 3 rd level test in the Amateur devision with his chestnut gelding “Arpeggio” placing them in second place .
Anna and her Dutch Warmblood gelding “Wrazzmatazz” placed first in the FEI Jr. Devision with a solid score of 68%.
They were on a roll to also captured a red ribbon in the freestyle class on Sunday .
Congratulations Steve and Anna!! 
2018 NAYC individual Results August 7, 2018
Saturday Aug 4/2018
Anna delivered a clean and flowing ride again in her FEI Jr. Individual test where
she finished in 9 th place out of 30 competitors .
Thanks to our support team of Steve, Susan and Missy for being at the grounds to cheer her on .
Sunday Aug. 5/2018
The last day at the championships proofed to be as successful as the previous ones for Anna and “Wrazz”
This time they delivered a steady and precise freestyle that was fun and exiting to watch.
The choreography was difficult and the music very fitting for a young competitor with a good sense of rhythm and interpretation of the music.
One judge of the panel of 5 rewarded the artistic section of her freestyle with 72%.
Well done Ann

2018 North American Youth Championship August 3, 2018
Anna Swackhammer and her mount “Wrazzmatazz” contributed with an excellent score to secure the bronze medal for the Ontario/ Manitoba Jr. Team at the youth championships in New York State
Big congratulations!!
Congratulations July 25, 2018
Congratulations to Anna Swackhammer to be named to the Junior Team, representing Canada, Ontario in Salem, NY from August 2nd to 5th at the North America Youth Championships.
We will all cheer for you, Anna!
Success for Sarah Busse and Sue Thompson at the July Palgrave dressage show! Sarah and the handsome Sesame Street captured first, second and third place at first level open, with all scores in the 70% + mark.
Sue Thompson, proud owner of Sesame and Captain, her training level bronze mount, came in first and third. Congratulations!!
Thanks Nadine for helping out and keeping up the spirit on the very wet Sunday!
! “waiting out the rain”
Wrazzmatazz wrapps up at RCRA show last weekend June 19, 2018
Wrazzmatazz wrapps up at RCRA show last weekend
Anna and “ Wrazz” concluded their FEI Jr. qualifying sequence last weekend with excellent results.
They scored 66.7 in the technical and 68 in the freestyle class.
Way to go Anna and Wrazz!!

The lovely Stiletto scored 68 + % with Jaimey Irwin in the CDI PSG !
Kawartha Spring Classic May 15, 2018
Sonnenhof Riders competed successfully at the first show of the season at Kawartha Spring Classic on May 4.-6/2018. Mirjam Hediger competed Pat Scherrer’s “Edwin” at first level. The pair showed good results, increasing their scores with every ride, from 63% -68%. Thank you to Pat for sponsoring “Edwin” to give Mirjam her first show experience in Canada
14-year old Anna Swackhammer got her feet wet aboard her brand new mount “Wrazzmatazz” in the FEI JR. Rider Division. In each test the pair earned scores well above the required qualifying score with percentages up to 66%.
Despite unruly winds on Friday evening everybody kept their cool and finished with lots of sunshine on the last day of a well run show, organized by Lisa Hossack.
Sonnenhof’s newest addition, Jack Russel Terrier “Fievel” earned “horse-show approved” status.

2018 Wellington CDI1* February 19, 2018
Ute and Stiletto finished 8th in the PSG atAdequan Global Dressage Festival CD1* in Wellington. Fl

2017 Palgrave August Summer Classic September 3, 2017
Perfect weather at the Palgrave August Summer Classic Dressage show triggered quality results for Sonnenhof riders! Ute and the lovely Stiletto put in a clean PSG test to finish in 6 th place

Anna Swackhammer with Sonnenhof’s Brandy Suki Turner claimed Reserve Champion in the Bronze Jr/ Amateur division.
Anna also took out Sonnenhof’s latest addition “Fantini ”
The pretty pony mare put her best foot forward in the walk trot classe where she won with a score of almost 72%.
Good job Anna for making Fantinis first time out a positive and rewarding experience!
Anna and Fantini
Emily Vosburgh and her horse Wentworth 14
put in a solid performance in the
PSG Amateur class on Sunday
for a second place finish.

Erin Holzscherer with her mare Flame
had a good finish claiming reserve Champion at the
Jr/ Amateur division
in the gold show .
Congratulations to all!
Thank you to Cornerstone Farm , Barb and JT, for providing us with another well run show !
Going 100% Mobile August 12, 2017
Please note Sonnenhof Stables is using only one telephone number from now on:
519 749 5942.
All other phone numbers have been removed including any fax number!
Please contact Ute via text, voice or email sonnenhofstables@gmail.com.
Thank you
Bad weather, good scores at Cedar Valley CDI/ National Show June 21, 2017
Anna Swackhammer finished first and second in jr. Bronze Training Division on a frisky “Brandy Suki Turner” while Ute and the lovely “Stiletto” finished in 3rd place in the CDI intermediate Freestyle to brand new music, arranged by Zap Productions.
Thanks to Wendy and Lewis of Zap Productions as well as coach Jaimey Irwin to make this weekend a success

GIRL POWER at cornerstones ” spring into Dressage show “ June 5, 2017
The elegant mare Stiletto and Ute placed second in the PSG class with a score of 69.6 %
! Thank you coach Jaimey Irwin
12 year old Anna Swackhammer with her new mare mount “Brandy Suki Turner” placed consistently in the top 3 rd of her bronze training level clas
Despite snapping flags framing the ring site and an accidental ring out by the judge, Anna kept her cool and brought her score up every day !

Ava Hergott and her lovely mare “Paris” won every first level class in the gold jr division claiming jr champion !
Our event student Erin Holzscherer and her mare “Flame” rode to win the Dressage part of the Highland green horse trial with an excellent score of 33%
Congratulations to all !
And 2 of the 4 girls even were chestnut mares !
Start of Season 2017 May 27, 2017
Ute and Stiletto had a good start to the 2017 show season at the Ottawa National Show winning the PSG with 69.7% and placing second in the Intermediate !
Happy New Year January 1, 2017

Merry Christmas December 25, 2016
 The Christmas Eve had the Sonnenhof Students show off their Quadrille.This fun event was very much appreciated by families and friends.
To all: Happy Holidays and a wonderful and Merry Christmas
Caledon Equestrian Park Horse Show August 2016 August 28, 2016
Sonnenhof riders are wrapping up the season with strong performances!
The youngest member of our show series, Anna Swackhammer and her pony Piccadilly ( Piper)

Kathrin Kenny and the lovely Cooper

Sabine Latendresse and Sonnenhof’s Hasta La Vista earning 69%
at training level bronze
Ava Hergott and her “Paris” earning 74% claiming champion in training level jr at the gold show

Brooke Koppeser with Bonnie Bowman’s Bacardi are holding the high score with 74.7% in first level bronze.

Sarah Busse Turner showed Sue Thompson’s “Sesame Street” in the suitability class with a score of 72%.

Congratulations to all!

Ute with Emily Vosburgh’s Wentworth in the PSG
Horse Show at Caledon Equestrian Park July 22, 2016
With record breaking temperatures team Sonnenhof kept their cool in the show ring !
 Friday results:
Ava Hergott and Paris placed 1st and 2nd at training level Jr. at the Gold level while 11 yr old Anna Swackhammer on her pony Piper placed 8th out of 18 competitors at the Bronze level in training level.
Sabine Latendresse and her new partner “Litka” had some misunderstandings in the canter tour but will be on track tomorrow!
Melissa Sinclaire and her handsome “Dakar” scored 68% placing 1st in the first level amateur Gold division.
Due to an unfortunate injury, Steven Mock had to scatch his Arpeggio from today’s competition.
Sue Thompson’s 5 yr old Hanoverian gelding “Sesame” schooled well under Sarah Busse Turner at his first outing
Good finish for team Sonnenhof at last Palgrave dressage day
Melissa Sinclaire claimed champion at 1 st level amateur/ gold show while Ava Hergott brought home the reserve championship in training amateur/ Jr. with her horse Paris
Anna Swackhammer and her pony Piper finished in 5 th place out of 20 competitors.
Sabine Latendresse on Litka improved their score daily
Sue Thompson on her “Wild Honey ” got her feet wet at 3 rd level amateur for an 8 th place finish
Sarah Busse Turner rode Sue Thompson’s lovely “Sesame Street ” to 2 nd place at his very first show.
Congratulation to all !
Sonnenhof riders score high June 7, 2016
Sonnenhof riders score high at Cornerstone Spring into Dressage Show.
Ute and Stiletto repeated their high scores with a 70.987% in the Prix St.George, earning 1.st place on Saturday
Melissa Sinclair placed 2nd in the Amateur First Level with 66.60%
Closely followed by Steven Mock with 66.40% in 3rd place

Ava Hergott with Paris won first place with 71.7% in Training Level Bronze Test 1

Ava entering the show ring with Paris on her way to 1st place
While Anna Swackhammer and her pony Piper claimed 1st place in test 2 with 72%

Sue Thompson on her “Wild Honey” during her first 3rd level test

Sonnenhof has a new addition: Coco (photo by Susan Campbell)
Thank you to everyone that came out to support all Sonnenhof Riders last weekend, it is very much appreciated
Stiletto’s Canadian Debut May 2016 May 29, 2016
Stiletto and Ute making their Prix Saint George debut at the Kawartha Spring Classic on May 6/7 winning all three classes with 69%

The pair repeated their winning spree at the Ottawa Dressage Festival on May 19 with scores of 70% in the PSG National Division. Also claiming the high point division.
Merry Christmas December 25, 2015
To all our customers, friends and family
we send warmest wishes and happiness
for this wonderful warm and green
Holiday Season.
Ute and the Sonnenhof Stables team
PSG Reserve Champion 2015 September 7, 2015
Congratulations to Emily Vosburgh and her Hanovarian gelding Wentworth14
to claiming Reserve Champion at the Prix St. Georges level at the ODC at Bethany this weekend
August 2015 Palgrave Impressions August 31, 2015

Cathy Kenny and Cooper on their way to claim 2nd place in Training Level Amateur

Ava Herrgott placing first with 68% in Training Level Junior
Anna Swackhammer warming up with the “big guys”
Off to Kentucky! June 30, 2015
Long time student Brooke Koppeser aboard Sue Thompson’s “Wild Honey” was named to the Young Rider Dressage Team!
Brooke and Ute will be travelling to Lexington, KY to represent Ontario at the annual NAJR/YR competition!
Congratulations on your accomplishment !!
KLDA Horse Show 2015 June 8, 2015
Arriving home with a trailer full of champions from the KLDA horse show. Sarah and Maximus took reserve champion in the Grand Prix and the Grand Prix special, additionally winning the freestyle and Grand Prix and taking grand champion on Sunday.

Brooke and Honey had a clean sweep of the Young Rider division, with a high score of 67.3%, following in Sarah’s footsteps and bringing home grand champion.Brooke and Honey are now the leading horse/rider combination in Ontario for the Young Rider division.

Highlights of the 2015 horse shows for Sonnenhof Stables June 8, 2015

Melissa Sinclair and her stunning Friesian cross Dakar started their show season off in first level Amateur, receiving third place with a score of 68.8%.
Brooke Koppeser and Wild Honey (owned by Sue Thompson) rode their first Prix St.George winning the class with a 62.4%.
Steve Mock and his gelding Arpeggio rode to a high score of 72.59%, taking first place in bronze First level.
Ava Herrgott and Marapossa owned by Lindsay Toosendaal, received first place at their very first show together, having a high score of 63.91% at bronze training level.
10 year old Anna Swackhammer and her pony Piper made their show debut at Bronze Walk Trot, taking first place.
Ute Busse rode her recently imported Oldenburg mare Stiletto, by San Amour out of a State Premium mare by Rosenkavalier (co-owned by Pat Scherrer) at her first competition in third level open, taking home Reserve Champion with a high score of 71.8%.
RCRA Dressage Gold Show
Ute Busse and Stiletto continued their winning streak at third level, taking Champion with a high score of 72%.
Brooke Koppeser and Wild Honey rode to a high score of 65.2% in the FEI Young Riders.
Emily Vosburgh made her Prix St.George debut on her mount Wentworth 14, earning third place.
Ottawa Dressage Classic
At frigid temperatures Brooke Koppeser and Wild Honey had a clean sweep in the FEI Young Rider division. Reviving Champion and winning Test of Choice, with a high score of 66.5%.
Season Greetings December 25, 2014
To all Friends and Customers a wonderful holiday.
Wishing you many gifts such as new blankets, boots. jackets and more as well as treats for your four legged partners.
See you soon at the barn

Success for Sonnenhof students at Ontario Dressage Championships September 1, 2014
Emily Vosburgh aboard her mount ” Wentworth 14 ” rode to claim the 3 rd level adult amateur championship
Melissa Sinclair with her Friesian Sport horse gelding “Dakar” captured the training level amateur champion ribbon
Alexa Roeper and her mount “Sir “Ethan” put in a good performance claiming a first and second place in the adult amateur training level division.
Congratulations to all and thanks to the great support team of family and Sonnenhof fans as well as friends and fellow competitors of Stoney Lake Equestrian
Sonnenhof Stables newest member January 19, 2014

6 yr old Oldenburg mare by San Amour out of a Rosenkavalier mare
Imported by Pat Scherrer and Ute Busse
Students pick up manure January 15, 2014
Fabelhaft keeps the new arena footing clean
Dressage Canada Announces 2013 Bursary Recipients: Brooke Koppeser January 8, 2014
Sonnenhof Stables congratulates Brooke on her recognition by Dressage Canada with the 2013 Bursary.
Tue, 01/07/2014 – 17:53
Brooke Koppeser on her Hanoverian gelding Viva’s Capitol (by Viva Voltaire x Capitol II)
Dressage Canada announced the 2013 recipients of the Dressage Canada Bursary Program. Each year, the Dressage Canada Development Committee provides one senior and two junior dressage riders with a bursary of $2,500 to help encourage the accomplishment of personal goals as they relate to the sport of dressage.
The 2013 senior recipient of the Dressage Canada Bursary is:
Kristen DeYoung (Ottawa, ON)
DeYoung is a 21-year-old student at the University of Ottawa, studying Honours Psychology. She began riding at the age of eight, and her passion for the sport grew steadily with exposure to the different disciplines. DeYoung began riding in the area of hunter/jumper, and moved into eventing during high school. After moving to Ottawa, she was exposed to a high level of dressage, which led to her changing her focus solely to dressage. This past summer was a great success for DeYoung as she competed at the Gold level, ending the season with a Reserve Championship in Training level at the Ontario Dressage Championships. DeYoung continues to train and advance both herself and her horse in the hope of moving up the levels together. Future goals include furthering her knowledge of dressage, and working to share her passion for horses with others.
The 2013 junior recipients (21 years of age or younger) are:
Julia Helland (Sundre, AB)
Helland is a 16-year-old high school student who plans to attend the University of Alberta in order to study Environmental Sciences. Her love of horses started at an early age, as she grew up on a farm with parents who shared her passion for horses. Helland joined the Canadian Pony Club at the age of seven, actively participating in shows and clinics. She decided to focus on the discipline of dressage at the age of 12. In her first year of dressage competition, Helland earned Provincial and Regional Children’s Championship titles. She has spent the past three years competing at the EC Gold level, where she has earned Second Level Open and Junior Champion titles. In 2012, Helland moved up to the FEI Junior level. Her goal is to represent Canada in international competition, including the North American Junior and Young Riders Championships (NAJYRC), which she hopes to attend within the next two years. She plans to use the bursary fund to attend clinics and other educational events that will expand her knowledge as a rider.
Brooke Koppeser (Winterbourne, ON)
Koppeser is an 18-year-old student enrolled in the Honours Psychology program (with a minor in business) at Wilfrid Laurier University. She had her first riding lesson at Sonnenhof Stables at the age of seven, and continues to train there today, under the guidance Ute Busse. Koppeser was a member of the Ontario/Manitoba Junior Dressage Team at the 2013 NAJYRC in Kentucky. In 2011, her partner, Viva’s Capitol (owned by Busse) was awarded the Canadian Warmblood Breeder’s Association Dressage Horse of the Year (Ontario Chapter) as a result of their competition success. Additionally, Koppeser and her young mount Fabelhaft have obtained scores up to 80.350% in competition. In the future, Koppeser’s goal is to represent Ontario and Canada at international competitions, including returning to NAJYRC.
Dressage Canada Bursary Program recipients are chosen based on various points of consideration, including:
- Future educational plans
- Equestrian experience
- Commitment and dedication to the sport of dressage
- Goals pertaining to the equestrian industry
- Results at EC sanctioned Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum competitions
- Demonstrated financial need
- Positive contributions to the sport of dressage
The Senior and Junior bursaries are made possible through the Dressage Canada Levy Program. A $7 levy fee is collected from each horse entered in an EC sanctioned Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum competition. The total collected revenues are forwarded to Equine Canada and used, in part, to fund the Dressage Canada Bursary Program. The purpose is to provide monetary grant assistance to those who have a demonstrated need for financial assistance in order to meet their goals within the discipline of dressage. Three bursaries in the amount of $2,500 are granted to one senior rider and two junior riders each year.
Happy New Year December 31, 2013
Sonnenhof wishes everyone a healthy and successful New Year.
Thank you to all customers for their support in 2013, we wish you all the best for 2014!
Ute and Dieter
2013 Ontario Reserve Champion September 2, 2013
Emily Vosburgh and her 8 year old Hanoverian gelding ” Wentworth 14″ placed first
in 2 of her 3 rd level classes at the Ontario Dressage Championships and captured the title.
Congratulations to Emily from all at Sonnenhof.

Ute Riding Sue Thompson’s “Wild Honey” at Palgrave June 3, 2013
picture by Nadine Koppeser
Brooke Koppeser got another qualifying score June 2, 2013
Congratulations to Brooke Koppeser who got another qualifying score with Ellen Helps ” Escabar ”

Divo and Mia at First Palgrave show 2013 June 2, 2013
Mia Tiidus and her chestnut Gelding “Defender”, captured 2 first and one 3 rd place
earning the champion title at Training Level.
Congratulations to all!!

Wild Honey at Palgrave June 2, 2013
Tanja Bornmann on Sue Thompson’s ” Wild Honey” showing 1 st level at a wet Palgrave Gold show 
2013 Palgrave May /June June 2, 2013
Congratulations to Emily Vosburgh and her elegant mount “Wentworth 14 “on capturing 3 rd place at their first ever Third level test !

Summer Riding Camp 2013 May 21, 2013
Update as of 21.5.2013
the following dates are available:
July 1-5 , 8-10, 23-26, 29- Aug2
August 5-7, 12-16, 19-23, 26-28
We will have summer camps during the summer of 2013 for
Kids Ages 7 -13
Beginners to intermediate
in July and August
Monday to Friday ; 9.00am to 4.00pm
Late pick-up, early drop off available
$390/ week or $78/day (taxes included)
Activities include:
Daily horseback riding lessons
Grooming and tacking of horses
Horse health and care
Proper handling of horses/ponies
Crafts and games
Please contact Ute if you have additional question.
(see our contact page for email and location)
To reserve a spot call 519 648 2687
Congratulations to Brooke Koppeser May 21, 2013
Brooke has claimed the Champion of the FEI Jr. Class at the Angelstone CDI3* Dressage Show on Victoria Day weekend

World Cup Dressage 2013 March 26, 2013
Just in:
Ute’s and Sally Carlton’s ” Lindors Finest” will represent Canada at the World Cup in Sweden next month with rider Jaimy Irwin.
Congratulations to Jaimey on this accomplishment!
All of Sonnenhof and friends wish them all the best for the competition from April 24 to 28/2013.
Go Jaimey go!
picture by Main
2013 Summer Horseback Riding Camp March 24, 2013
Update as of 1.5.2013
the following dates are available:
July 1-5 , 8-10, 23-26, 29- Aug2
August 5-7, 12-16, 19-23, 26-28
We will have summer camps during the summer of 2013 for
Kids Ages 7 -13
Beginners to intermediate
in July and August
Monday to Friday ; 9.00am to 4.00pm
Late pick-up, early drop off available
$390/ week or $78/day (taxes included)
Activities include:
Daily horseback riding lessons
Grooming and tacking of horses
Horse health and care
Proper handling of horses/ponies
Crafts and games
Please contact Ute if you have additional question.
(see our contact page for email and location)
To reserve a spot call 519 648 2687
CADORA Awards for Sonnenhof Stable Student Brooke Koppeser January 16, 2013
Sonnenhof congratulates Brooke Koppeser as she has been honoured with the following Awards:
CADORA Inc. National Junior Dressage Award for 2012
Brooke and Fabelhaft also earned the 2012 Cadora Inc. National Award – 1st Level Open/ Am/Junior Division for having the 2nd highest average ( 69.041%) during their 2012 show season

We wish Fabelhaft and Brooke for the coming season
another great year and many more awards
All pictures by Nadine Koppeser
Season Greetings December 22, 2012
Thank you to all customers and friends of Sonnenhof Stables.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season

Cornerstone at Essa Complex August 14, 2012
Rain or shine, we maintain in good spirits at the Palgrave horse show last weekend at the new Barry location
Emily Vosburgh and Wentworth 14 finished Reserve Champions at First level Amateur
Ute and Momentum had scores up to 73% in the first level open devision
Well done under difficult wet conditions
Ute our coach at Sonnenhof Stables August 9, 2012
Please read this article about Ute in the KW paper “The Record”
June Palgrave Gold Show 2012 June 6, 2012
Sonnenhof Stable Horses and Students produced great results:
Escabar owned by Ellen Helps and ridden by Ute was the Second Level Reserve Champion
Emily Vosburgh and Wentworth 14 placed 2nd and 3rd in First Level Amateur with scores up o 69 %
Susannah Curry with Matinee placed 3rd and 4th in First Level Amateur with scores up to 66.75%.

Congratulations to all

2011 Coach of the Year Award by Equine Canada March 6, 2012
Ute received this award out of a total of 5,000 Canadian Coaches.
Congratulations Ute
from all your students and Sonnenhof friends
2012 Equine Canada Awards Gala February 19, 2012
On Feb. 3/2012 Ute received the 2011 Coach Award for Level 3/High Performance Dressage.
Over 50 Canada wide nominations were received by Equine Canada covering coaches from basic to level 3 as well as western to jumping and Ute did it again.
Congratulations to Ute from students, friends and family

Female Coach Nomination for 2011 February 19, 2012
Ute’s successful coaching was acknowledged last November by the Ontario Equestrian Federation with the 2011 Coach of the Year Award.
Both our local papers The Record and the Woolwich Observer interviewed Ute regarding the award and more.
Please read these articles by clicking on the links below:
A week ago Ute learned also about the nomination for the Ontario Sports Awards by Sport Alliance Ontario.
On April 19/2012 we will find out if Ute will receive another award:
Ute has been selected as a finalist for Female Coach of the Year at the 2011 Ontario Sports Awards.
For more information and tickets for the award gala go to the Ontario Sport Awards website.
We thank all students and supporters for the effort provided to accomplish Ute’s recognition in the sport of Dressage and Equestrian sports over all.
Congratulations to Ute

OEF Award: Coach of the Year 2011 is Ute November 28, 2011
The Record and the Woolwich Observer wrote each nice articles about Ute and her coaching experience.
Please follow our group Sonnenhof Stables on Facebook
Ute receives OEF Award for Coach of the Year 2011 November 20, 2011
Congratulations to Ute for the Ontario Equestrian Federation Coach of the year 2011 Award
Thank you to all who supported Ute to receive this award
Ute as always on the go to get another student ready
Congratulations to Tina and Jaimey November 8, 2011
The Pan Am Games 2011 in Guadalajara were very successful for Tina who earned a team silver medal and a 5th place as an Individual Rider. Also congratulations to Jaimey who coached both Tina and Roberta to their success. It was a true team effort of all team members.
Season final Conestoga CADORA Show 2010 August 30, 2010
6 yr old Zach Marshall and “Spotacular” placed 2nd in the Walk trot Equitation
and 4th the Walk Trot class.
Carly Brohman and her grey mare “Karina” placed an excellent 1st and 4th place with 68 % and 65 %.
Larissa Davis and Catalina did a great job at their first show.The pair put in a clean test to score 66% at training level open.
Congratulations to all!
August Palgrave Gold Show 2010 August 30, 2010
Denisha Naidoo and Everytime had 64.857 % and 69.722% for 2 first places.
Carly Brohmann scored an excellent 68% at training level on her pretty grey mare “Karina”
Brooke Koppeser had her debut on her new mount “Fabelhaft”. Fabelhaft. just 4
years old, was on his best behaviour and placed 1st in the suitability class.
Sarah and Maximus placed 2nd in their entertaining Intermediaire Freestyle class: (68.21%). In the Inter II they earned an excellent score of 64.21% .
Ute and “Lindor’s Finest” rode a clean Grand Prix test to place 2nd after Tina Irwin and the flashy Amicelli. In the Freestyle they repeated the same placing.
Viva’s Capitol showed his first 4th level test to earn the Reserve Champion title.
Lisa Oberbichler came back to a good performance on Sunday in the PSG Amateur class, 64.2% and place 3 for her and Tamburin.
Congratulations to all! 
Sonnenhof riders claim victory at the July Palgrave Gold Show July 21, 2010
Ute rode Kathy Douglas flashy “Paris” at her very first competition to score up to 75%, in Training level. Paris was on her best behavior and turned out to be a real ” show girl”
Ute’s highlight of the show was her Grand Prix Freestyle win with 72% on “Lindor’s Finest” co owned by Sally Carlton. Jaimey Irwin placed 2nd with 70% on “Dover” but got ahead of “Lindor” in the Grand Prix. Tina Irwin excelled in PSG class on Mary Horgan’s new horse “Winston” with score of 71.92%
Lisa Oberbichler and “Tamburin” placed 5th in the Prix St. George Amateur division.
Congratulations to all!!!
Polo for Heart June 27, 2010
Sonnenhof Stables provided support to a good cause. A special thank you to Julie and the Watchhorn family for arranging the event and hosting the practice at their stable. Also thanks to Sarah, Andrea, Rebecca and Justin for being part of the quadrille team.


Blainville 2010 June 26, 2010
Ute had lots of fun at the Dressage show in Blainville.
Ute placed 6th in the CDI GP division and 5th in the Freestyle just behind Jaimey and Dover.
Thank you to all sponsors 
Iron Horse Show and Palgrave 2010 June 11, 2010
Despite dust and high temperatures the Sonnenhof riders showed good results at the Milton Gold Show on May 29/30.
Sarah Busse Turner and her long time partner the powerful “Maximus” made their debut in the IntermediaireII ( a small Grand Prix test). Maximus showed off his airy passage but lost some concentration in 2 tempi changes . The pair also showed in the Intermediaire I where they came home with 66% and 3rd place.
Last weekend we had the pleasure of showing at Palgrave’s first CDI Dressage Show.
Ute and Lindor’s Finest rode a great Kuer to music arranged by Tamara Williamson of Kurboom, and captured 1st place with a score of 68% closely followed by Jaimey Irwin on Dover. This was Ute’s first GP Freestyle and Tamara had finished the music just in time. The music arrangement worked very well and was fun to ride and to listen to.

Lisa Oberbichler and “Tamburin” had a second year of very good results in the Advanced Amateur Division. Lisa rode Tamburin to an excellent 2nd place and placed 1st twice in the Prix St. George class. The pair scored up to 64%
Congratulations to a job well done under difficult weather and footing conditions.
Sonnenhof Stables Riders successful at Bethany May 5, 2010
Even though the weekend weather forecast was not that promising the Bethany Show grounds were more sunny and dusty than wet. The rider/ horse friendly weather helped everybody to put in very respectful performances:
Emily Vosburgh aboard her mount “Liberty” and Denisha Naido with “Woza Tombi” showed consistency in the level 1 Amateur division. This was Denisha’s first show at the first level and she managed fluid rides with scores in the mid 60’s.
Emily’s mare “Liberty” got better everyday as she settled into the surroundings of the windy show grounds. “Liberty” won test 4 of 1st level and claimed Reserve Champion overall.
Ute had 3 good test in the Grand Prix with ” Lindor’s Finest”. Lindor was on his best behavior, attentive and expressive and Ute won the GP on Friday and Saturday with scores of 65% and 67%, closely followed by her son in law Jaimey Irwin on “Dover”. On Sunday Ute lost the first place to Jaimey (66.5%) and came a close 2nd with 66.2% and earned champion.
Congratulations to everybody as well to fellow competitor Maura O’Sullivan on “Pik Czar” for an excellent score of 68% at YR level.
The door to the Championships is wide open.
Last WELLINGTON Show 2010 March 26, 2010
Thank you to all sponsors and visitors for supporting Ute and Lindor in Wellington,FL
Results from Florida January 23, 2010
Lindor and Ute had a “hot” start at Gold Coast Dressage Show in Wellington, meaning that Lindor got hot to piaffe when walking was on: They managed a 7th place in a strong field of 22 horse rider combination’s and gave it all in the GP Special.
Good luck from all at Sonnenhof at the next show in February
For detail info click on the link below:
Florida Lickings January 20, 2010
Ute and Lindor enjoy the “heat” down south. They get ready for the first competition this weekend.
Last weekend Rober Dover had a training session with all Canadian World Equestrian Games declared riders among them Jaimey with Dover and Ute with Lindor’s Finest.
A thank you to all supporter from Sonnenhof especially to Sally, Pat and Chris.
Ute sends greetings to all….from the pool, actually she is riding and cooking in Florida. Dieter was told!
Another successful show at Cornerstoner’s Summer Classic August 25, 2009
Lisa Oberbichler aboard “Tamborin” showed good results in the PSG Amateur division. She scored a respectable 63% for 2nd place and took home a 4th place on Sunday.
Kathy Douglas’s “Paris” had her first debut in a schooling session with her “temporary rider ” Jade Harris. Paris was on best behavior during her first outing.
Congratulations to all and thanks to Ute for her support despite a broken foot
Success at Palgrave Dressage Show for Sonnenhof riders July 23, 2009

Congratulations to Ute aboard “Lindor’s Finest” on winning the Grand Prix (65.75%) and the GP Special with 66.15 % and therefore claiming the Grand Prix Championship, closely followed by her son in law Jaimey Irwin on his horse “Dover”, winning the Reserve Champion. Ute also showed Pat Scherrer’s black Hanoverian gelding “El Cid” in the Prix St. George division. “El Cid” was obedient and fairly focused and scored in the 60 %.
Sarah Busse Turner claimed victory in the Intermediaire freestyle with her long time equine partner “Maximus”. They performed a flawless “Kur” to Bonanza and Mission Impossible music. The music was a definite crowed pleaser and both horse and rider enjoyed the ride.
Susie Curry showed good riding at the training level and scored in mid 60% for respectable placings in a big field of competitors.
Brooke Koppeser and “Roxy” claimed champion in the FEI Pony class. Even in the FEI test of choice class consisting of horses from Advanced to Grand Prix level Roxy placed in the top 4.
Lisa Oberbichler, a new student of Ute’s, was joining the “Sonnenhof crowd” in Palgrave . Lisa rode her long time partner “Tamburin” at the Prix St. George level, earning respectable scores of over 60 %.
Congratulations to all and thank you to all supporters, grooms and helpers for making this show another success.

Congratulations to Sonnenhof at 2009 Blainville Show July 1, 2009
Ute and “Lindor’s Finest” had a respectable 5th place at their first CDI Show at the Blainville International Classic and captured 1st place in the Grand Prix Special with a score of 64.83%

Congratulations January 15, 2009
Congratulations to the family for their 2009 listings.
Ute Busse and Lindor’s Finest: Long listed at the Grand Prix level.
Sarah Busse-Turner and Maximus: Long listed at the Advanced level
Tina Irwin and Amicelli: Short listed at the Grand Prix level
Jaimey Irwin and Dover: Long listed at the Grand Prix level
Royal Winter Fair Quadrille November 19, 2008
Congratulations to all participants ,Gillian, Jessica, James, Ute and all their beautiful horses, at the Royal, Check out the link below:
Ontario Championchips September 16, 2008
Sonnenhof Stables congratulates all participants to a great showing last weekend.
Viva and Nick
Maximus and Sarah
Versace and Brooke

Coyote and Kelly
Harley and Susannah
Lindor and Ute

Ute wins Grand Prix at Beaulieu Farms , Quebec August 28, 2008

Team Sonnenhof had good results at Beaulieu Farms National Dressage Show on August 23/24.
After winning the GP in the Blainville National Division and the Palgrave Summer Classic, Ute repeated a first place at the CDN at Beaulieu Farms, QC on Aug.24th 2008 with her Dutch Warmblood Gelding “Lindor’s Finest”, co-owned by Sally Carlton of Guelph.
In the GP Special Ute placed 2nd after her son in law Jaimey Irwin on his black Oldenburg gelding “Dover”
Nick Utman aboard Susannah Curry’s “Vivas Capitol” earned 3 first places out of 4 tests with impressive scores up to 71.7% at First Level Open. Susannah also competed here mare “Harley” successfully at Bronze Level shows this year.
Denisha Naidoo, a new member of the Sonnenhof group, rode her mare “Wasa Tombi” to a respectable 62% in the training level division.
The “younger crowd” Carly Brohman, Brooke Koppeser, Ascecia, Sierra and Lace Griffiths as well as Kelly Wasylciw showed successfully at the Palgrave Summer Classic and will finish their show season with the Conestoga Cadora Bronze Show in September